
Media Server Part 1 – The Back Story

These posts concerning my media server build do not really fit in any of my other blogs, and since it is something now used by everyone in the house, I thought this blog would be the best place for it.

A number of years ago I set up a dedicated NAS unit using a QNAP Quad Giga NAS unit.

I installed 4 x 1TB Hitachi Deskstar disks and had it setup as a Raid 5 disk set.

This setup was OK, but nothing earth shattering, the 1GB network port would barely achieve 1MB/s throughput and the NFS/SAMBA shares were almost too slow to use.

It did serve a purpose as a dedicated file store for all my movies, tv shows, photos and music, and I further backed up my personal data from it to a pair of 400GB 2.5″ SATA drives that I swapped every so often and then stored at my mother’s place in Gloucestershire as an off-site backup.

I also used an Xtremer Sidewinder as a media player, initially mounting via NFS from the NAS unit, and later with a locally attached USB Sata drive.

This was all fine until the disks started failing.

When the first disk failed and was replaced, the unit lost all of its configuration and I had to recover the raid sets manually, which took me a few days and much internet searching.

The next time two disks failed in quick succession and I effectively lost all of the contents of the NAS unit.

Fortunately, because of my off-site backups, I did not lose too much with regards personal files and photos, however all of the tv series and movie files were lost forever, the music I also had backed up elsewhere, so no losses here either.

I survived without a NAS for a number of years after this and also replaced the Xtremer with the media player part of my VU+ Ultimo satellite receiver, again using a locally attached USB SATA drive for content.

Then after building my cinema room, I once again became interested in building a NAS come Media server and went looking for some suitable hardware to build it on.

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