
Garage Conversion Part 8 – Plumbing and Painting

Saturday 20th June

Started painting the new utility room, this work continued on and off throughout the week.
Most of the painting was completed by my wife, Susan.

Since I had changed my mind on the layout of the room, I also needed to relocate the radiator, and it was now to be posttioned under the window.

So I cut out a channel for the radiator pipes along two sides of the floor screed.

Unfortunately I did not take any pictures of this work.

Sunday 21st June

Trial fitted the radiator to see if I had made the trench wide enough to accommodate the pipes from the floor to the radiator itself.

As it turns out, I needed to open out a couple of areas a little more so the pipes could run vertically.

Saturday 27th June

One wash coat of 50/50 paint/water and two top coats of paint later and the painting is complete.

 Moved the Washing machine and tumble dryer back in.

 Same for the freezer

These items will need to move out again when we tile the floors.

Sunday 4th July

Extended the pipes for the radiator and re-screeded that section of the floor

 I also shortened the pipes for the sink and washing machine.

Wash coat of 50/50 paint/water applied to the cinema room

 view from window end

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