I was now ready to start putting some of the parts together.
4 x Domino holes were cut on each end of the back panel as well as one side of the top and bottom panels
Glue was applied, Dominos were inserted and the 4 x 1200mm clamps were used to press it all together along with a couple of F clamps to prevent the back from bowing.
Please excuse my finger that can be seen top right if the photograph.
The assembly was left to dry overnight and then the clamps removed.
I then cut the Domino holes for the side panels, 4 at each end and 5 on each side, more glue and Dominos, before clamping it all together,
I needed all 4 of my 700mm clamps as well as 2 of the 1200mm clamps and 8 F clamps.
Pressure was applied near each Domino.

Sash clamps used on the base panel as there is nowhere to apply an F clamp.
Glue was left to dry overnight once again.