Before I can concentrate on making the MF-TC for real, I needed to make my sash clamps.
12 of each of the main items were required as well as 24 of each side panel. Most of these were cut at the same time as the parts for the MF-TC, although ultimately I needed to buy an aditional small sheet of 12mm plywood.
First I drilled the holes in the moving jaw, using a 20mm forstener bit,
followed by a 10mm wood drill, then a 11mm general purpose drill for clearance.
The bottom halves of the moving jaw were rounded on the belt sander.
The moving jaws were then glued and nailed together, first one side,
then the other.
The rear jaw blocks received 8mm holes 40mm deep.
The fixed jaw blocks also received a 11mm hole drilled as before with a 10mm wood bit followed by a 11mm general purpose drill.
The main bodies of the clamps received rows of 20mm holes drilled 50mm apart starting 25mm from the end.
M10 x 40mm coach bolts were screwed into each block.
1m lengths of M10 threaded rod were cut into 4 x 250mm lengths, the ends were then rounded off and checked to ensure that the threads still worked fine.

One end of each threaded rod had the threads hammered flat and the nut forced up to the end.
M10 Tee nuts were drilled and hammered into place on the fixed jaws and then these were held in place by some round head screws.
The threaded rods were then inserted through the moving jaws, a washer placed on the back and then 2 M10 nuts jammed against each other to prevent the threaded rod from coming out.
It seems I also forgot to take pictures of the remainder of the assembly process.
I completed a set of 4 x 700mm clamps and 4 x 1200mm clamps. I also cut parts for 4 x 1700mm clamps, but have yet to make them.
The 700mm clamps have a maximum clamping capacity of just over 500mm, the 1200mm ones just over 1000mm and the 1700mm ones just over 1500mm.
I have still yet to make the handles, so am using them with a pair of jammed nuts and a cordless drill to tighten them for now.