
Week 42 (October 16 – October 22) – DH Mountains Wk 3

Monday morning rest day, took the dog for a 5km walk.

Tuesday morning rowing, 2,000m (9:37.7) warm up, then repeated Thursday’s 3 x 2,000m session.

Happy with the first interval, went out too hard on the second one and blew up, stopped 3 times, happier with the third interval, 2,234m (10:57.3) cool down and stretching.

Wednesday morning rowing, Dark Horse Mountain Challenge Week 3 – Africa (I decided to do this as a UT1 interval training session rate capped at 24spm with 2 minutes rest).
2,000m (9:27.3) warm up, then onto the mountains.

Mawenzi – 5,149m in 20:23.4, 1:58.7/500m average pace, I was aiming for 2:00, so happy with this.

Mount Kenya – 5,199m in 20:47.2, 2:00.0/500m average pace, I was aiming for 2:02 so happy with this.

Mount Kilimanjaro – 5,895m in 24:16.6, 2:03.5/500m average pace, I was aiming for 2:05 so happy with that.

16,243m in 1:05:27.2, 2:00.8/500m average pace = 14,901m for the hour, I’ll take that after yesterday.

2,235m 11:26.6 cool down and some stretching.

Thursday morning in the work gym, 2,000m (10:01.7) warm up, 10,000m UT2 low HR workout at 18-20spm.

2,234m (10:11.8) cool down and stretching, shower, breakfast in the canteen and up to my desk to start the day.

Thursday evening rowing, I decided to just ‘stay warm’ and keep my HR below 125bpm and did 17,178m in 1:22:44.4.

This evening’s workout was 3 x 15:00, 1:30r at 20spm UT2

1,008m (5:12.6) cool down, stretching and then core exercises.

Friday morning rest day, took the dog for a long walk.

Saturday morning rowing, ‘Red Boards’ on the river, 7,291m (34:38.6) warm up, 2 x 20:00, 1 x 10:00, 3:00r @18-20spm, done as a ‘just row’ workout.

Mostly at 20spm, some at 18spm, single strokes in the second interval, power 10’s in the third.

Stretching, core exercises and technique review before heading home, I didn’t hang around for leisure rowing as it wouldn’t be happening anyway.

Sunday morning rowing, still ‘Red Boards’ 7,302m (33:23.9) warm up, then 3 x 10:00, 2:00r @20spm

stretching and core exercises followed by more video analysis.