
Week 29 (July 18 – July 24) – Peru, Skiing, ParkRun

Monday, this was supposed to be a 10K with 2K warm up and 2K cool down, however I decided I had woken up early enough that I actually had time for another 1/2 marathon, so after walking the dog and setting up the RowErg outside again, off I went for round 3 of 5 for the trip to Machu Pichu, time was similar to yesterday. I watched the remainder of the Dune mini-series – Children of Dune mini-series next time.

They were calling for selfies on the forum, so here we have Willie Nelson does rowing!

This was taken about a minute after completing the 1/2 marathon.

Tuesday, this was supposed to be a calisthenics pull day, but it was 26C/79F by the time I had finished walking the dog at 07:00 that I was really not feeling it today, so decided to just spend the day sweating in 40C/104F heat instead.

I did go to archery in the evening and shot longbow indoors as there were only 5 of us present and it had already started raining when we arrived. I tend to shoot longbow when I just want to enjoy the shooting and not worry too much about scores – I still out shot the others who were all shooting olympic recurve ;o) (to be fair they are all fairly new).

Wednesday fourth 1/2 marathon of 5 for the trip to Machu Pichu, similar time to all the others, I am aiming to keep them around 1:38:00 – 1:39:00. much cooler today and a lovely cooling breeze, watched the Dune Messiah part of the Children of Dune mini-series.

Thursday, calisthenics pull and push day, a random set of pull and push activities.

  • Bent Knee Rings L Sit – 3 x 0:10
  • Rings Support Hold – 3 x 0:10
  • Rings Assisted Dips – 3 x 10
  • Inverse Knee Rings Row – 3 x 10
  • Rings Row – 3 x 5
  • Rings Scapular Pull – 3 x 0:30
  • Band Rings Inverse Pull Up – 3 x 5
  • Band Rings Inverse Chin Up – 3 x 5
  • Angled Rings Row – 3 x 10
  • Static Rings Hold – 3 x 0:10
  • Various Isometric Rings Holds – 0:10 each

Friday I completed the final part of the SkiErg Performance Series for July, which was a 1K (4:23.8) and followed it up with a 30 minute time trial (5950m) as this happened to be the C2 WoD on Friday. I wanted to make 6000m, but  I started off too slow and only managed 1800m in the first 10 minutes, so all things considered I think I finished well. My Skiing times are still quite a way off my rowing times, but I am sure they will slowly improve.

Saturday started with a 5K dog walk, then some toast and peanut butter, by which time I was running a little late for the Park Run. So after cycling the 5K to get there, they were already walking to the start,

Arrived just as they were walking to the start, so no recovery from the cycle ride before going straight into the run, Heart Rate did not record for some reason (maybe it stopped!)

159/264 Overall, 117/156 Male, 13/16 VM50-54, 49.11% by age grade no rest for me then and straight into the 5K run, not by best time as a result, plus it was quite hot, but I was still happy with my time – have I mentioned before that I hate running? 5K cycle home and relax.

Sunday, 40 minute dog walk and then the final 1/2 marathon for the journey to Machu Picchu, I watched the second and third parts of the Children of Dune mini series.

It took me just under 8 hours 45 minutes to cover 111,092m, all five 1/2 marathons were completed in around 1:38:30 (1:20.2/500m) which was a comfortable pace, that still worked up a decent level of pain and sweat but a good 10 minutes off my PB, not that I was trying for a new PB on any of them.

I enjoyed the challenge of breaking up the distance the way I did, rather than what I would otherwise have done, which would have been to just row around 14.2K (2K warm up, 10K row, 2.2K cool down) each rowing day (3 or 4 a week), which would have been just over 7.5 sessions.