
2K Time Trial

Thursday evening had been set by our coach as the date for our masters men squad 2K time trial event.

We have had a plenty of UT2 sessions and a few of 3 x 2K sessions leading up to this.

  • 10 October 3 x 2K, 2:00r (at the club): 7:04.6, 7:41.3, 7:44.6, an average of 7:30.0 (1:52.5 average pace)
  • 17 October 3 x 2K 1:30r (at home): 7:04.8, 8:20.9, 7:42.4, an average of 7:42.4 (1:55.6 average pace)
  • 31 October 3 x 2K 1:30r (at the club): 7:15.4, 7:27.8, 7:37.3, an average of 7:26.8 (1:51.7 average pace)
  • 7th January 3 x 2K 1:30r (at home): 7:18.4, 7:19.8, 7:27.4, an average of 7:21.6 (1:50.4 average pace)
  • 20th January 3 x 2K 1:30r (at the club): 7:19, 7:22, 7:29.5, an average of 7:23.6 (1:50.9 average pace)

As you can see from the progressions, I stopped trying for a good first 2K which then compromised the second and sometimes the third 2K as well and was aiming for more consistency.

The ideal is negative splits on each round, although I would settle the same on each round, currently the third round is still suffering.

I was not really ‘feeling it’ on the Saturday 20th January session, I had had a number of bad nights and was generally feeling tired.

I did no rowing between the Sunday morning UT2 session and the Thursday morning, I wasn’t even taking the dog for long walks as he had an abscess on his paw that was being treated with antibiotics and so he was resting up.

Thursday morning I was in at the work gym, I started with a 10,000m piece at ‘UT3’ where I kept my heart rate below 105, the rate below 22 and the pace around 2:35/500m.

I followed this with a 500m piece at my desired pace for the evening of 1:43.

This felt good and maintainable, followed this with a cool down of 1,017m (5:09.7) before showering, having breakfast in the canteen and heading to my desk.

The evening session started as another mow intensity piece, 5,016m (25:49.9) again pace around 2:35, stroke rate no higher than 22spm, although my heart rate seemed to be around 125-130bpm for this one – maybe nerves were starting to kick in.

I put my fleece back on and helped encourage one of our other members who was doing his 2K test ahead of everyone else.

There were supposed to be around 15 of us taking part, split into 3 groups of 5, however a number had ‘cried off’ with reports of various ‘ailments’ or other excuses and we were down to 8.

We were split into 2 groups, a fast group and a slower group, with the slower group going off first and the faster group adding encouragement.

I was in the faster group, so we went second after a little more waiting around.

My plan was to have a few quick strokes to spin up the flywheel, then settle into my desired pace of 1:43 for around 1,500m, then empty the tank sprinting for the finish line, hoping for 6:45, but anything under 7:00 is a win.

I had managed 1:43 at 30spm for 1,500m in the ‘Plum Pudding’ race before Christmas, and still felt good, so though that this was a reasonable target.

The first few strokes went well, although the lighting reflecting off the balcony was such that I was almost being ‘triggered’ by a strobe type effect that was messing with my brain.

I had to stop looking beyond the monitor and just concentrate on the screen or this was going to do my head in, thinking I was going ‘light headed’ or some such nonsense.

400m and all is well, feeling good, pace is good, although the rate is fluctuating between 30 and 32spm, I would prefer a steady 30spm but it is what it is, heart rate around 167bpm, 6:45 is still on the cards.

800m still going well, pace is starting to waver, rate is still fluctuating between 30 and 31spm, now holding 1:44 rather than 1:43 and a few too many 1:45’s showing up than I would like, HR has hit 172 and being a little erratic, 6:45 may still be possible, but looking unlikely.

1,000m, half way and the pace is starting to drop, now between 1:46 and 1:47, rate still between 30 and 31spm, heart rate jumping between 175 and 180bpm, 6:50 is slipping away.

1,200m and the pace is still dropping 1:47-1:48, rate still bouncing between 30 and 31spm, heart rate now bouncing between 180 and 185bpm. if I am not careful sub seven is going to start to fade as a possibility.

1,500m I am holding onto the pace at 1:47 although it did briefly drop to 1:49, 50 strokes to go, push the rate to 32spm, heart rate is sort of stabilising around 187, with fewer jumps down, I am goiing to have to empty the tank to get back to sub 7 being a possibility.

1,800m 20 strokes to go, push the rate to 34spm, brought the pace back to 1:45, heart rate peaked at 189, legs feel like lead, win that mental battle, don’t give up

Push for the line on the last 10 strokes, rate up to 36spm, although the pace didn’t drop any lower than 1:45 and the heart rate actually dropped!

Crossed the line in 7:01.7, a new PB by 3 seconds (set in March 2023) but somewhat disappointed with my performance and failure to break that 7 minute barrier.

Recovered my breath and then rowed out the lactic acid with a 2,358m (10:35.6) piece whilst also encouraging the son of one of the masters men through a 2K piece as well.

I am unsure if I have been losing fitness since Christmas, eating too much ‘junk’, the lack of exercise in the run up to the test, or general lack of sleep over the previous weeks did me in (the reality is probably a combination of them all).

I will take the win of the new PB, although it feels a bit hollow, especially as it is nearly a year old.

Overall this placed me 3rd out of 10 on raw time and still 3rd after adjustments for age and weight.

(8 took part in 2 groups of 4, Gareth did his early and Mark F did his on Saturday morning as he was feeling ill on the Thursday)