
Week 52 (December 25 – December 31) – Break from Exercise, Happy Christmas, Back Into It

This week was mainly a break from exercise, just long walks with the dog each morning.

Christmas Day was enjoyed at home with my family

Boxing Day I took my children up to my mothers for another Christmas meal with the extended family.

Wednesday I had the day off from work  and drove back from my mothers.

Thursday and Friday, back at work, but still just walking the dog.

Saturday morning rowing, 9,441m (43:17.0) ‘warm up’ while waiting for everyone else.

2 x 20:00, UT2 @ 20spm, UT1 @24spm

1,019m (5:11.9) ‘cool down’

Stretching, then Core session 1:00 V-Sit, Plank, Dead Bug, Side Plank Left and Right with 30 Bicycle kicks between each exercise.

Sunday morning rowing, 9,233m (41:55.8) ‘warm up’ while waiting for everyone else

3 x 10:00, 2:00r UT2 @20spm, UT1 @24spm, AT @ 28spm

1,027m (5:00.2) ‘cool down’, stretching, then Core session 1:00 V-Sit, Plank, Dead Bug, Side Plank Left and Right with 30 Bicycle kicks between each exercise.

During the month of December I managed a total of 138 hours of exercise, walked 206km, climbed 281 flights of stairs, rowed 348km on the Erg and 28km on the water.

By the end of the month my weight was 14 Stone 8lb (204lb/92kg), a gain of 4lb/2Kg, largely due to Christmas over eating, looks like I have my work cut out once again in January.

My weight is almost identical to this time last year, with a similar gain over Christmas.