
Week 30 (July 24 – July 30) – Holiday, Running, Guest Rowing, Halifax Regatta

Second week of holiday in the USA.

Monday morning running, 2:00 intervals as follows:

  • 4mph flat
  • 4mph 15 incline
  • 4mph flat
  • 6mph flat
  • 4mph flat
  • 8mph flat

Tuesday morning running

  • 1 lap at 4mph
  • 13 laps at 6.4mph (29:10 for 5K)
  • 1 lap at 4mph

Wednesday morning running, repeat of Monday’s workout, 2:00 Intervals as follows:

  • 4mph flat
  • 4mph 15 incline
  • 4mph flat
  • 6mph flat
  • 4mph flat
  • 8mph flat

Thursday morning I decided to walk to the local supermarket, it was only a few minutes away by car, how hard could it be?

The journey there and back took me just over an hour and was just short of 6Km.

The weather had decided to be kind to me and the sun was largely behind some clouds, however it was still around 30 Celcius (86 Fahrenheit) and very humid, so my undershirt was suitably soaked by the time I made it back to the condo.

Friday morning running/walking, I didn’t feel like a big workout this morning, so just a short running piece in the middle of a walk.

  • 26 minutes @ 4mph
  • 4 minutes @ 8mph
  • 10 minutes @ 4mph

Saturday morning technical session with Lake County Rowing Association 8+, #5 seat, first time rowing bow side in over 40 years (2776m).

Developed a few new blisters from this one.

Sunday morning Masters rowing with OARS, 8+, #2 seat. Lots of steady state and power pieces (12662m)

I had been informed by the coach at Lake County Rowing Association (LCRA) that there would be a reduced set of people rowing on Saturday morning as many would be away at the Halifax Rowing Association Regatta at Daytona Beach.

Both of the clubs I have been rowing with over here had entries in this regatta for Saturday (juniors day), but only LCRA had entries on the Sunday (open and masters day).

After returning ‘home’, showering and preparing for the day, we headed off on the 2 hour drive to Daytona Beach to watch some of the regatta, cheer on any LCRA boats and generally have some fun at the beach.

The course is on the Halifax River in Daytona Beach and the best vantage point from near the boat house is of the finish from under the bridge.

The Halifax river is around 2,500 feet wide and the bouyed regatta course is on the opposite side to the river from the boat house.

I met up with the LCRA rowers and coaches and had a good chat with many of them and was invited to join them on their Wednesday morning mens masters session (at 05:00!), before going to watch a couple of races.

Unfortunately I did not get to stay and watch too many races as it was taking quite a while to set each one up and my family were getting hot, bothered and bored, especially with the ‘action’ being a fair way off in the distance.

We headed back to the car and went in search of the beach, where we spent the remainder of the afternoon, before having a late lunch and finally made the 2 hour journey back to Orlando. where we arrived in the middle of a thunderstorm that was reducing visibility to about 10-20m.